Photography Blog
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How I Decorate my Home with Photographs
I don’t believe you should ever sell something that you don’t actually use yourself. Personally speaking, photography is not only important in my life for my profession, but it’s also front and center in my own home. Now, that doesn’t mean that my house is covered in photographs from top to bottom…
How to Choose Frames Like a Pro
This Blog post is for those clients who really prefer to frame their own prints (whether the print is through me or through another vendor) and for those who want to know more about the advantages of purchasing the frames I offer. Because when it comes to selecting frames, there are many options out there at varying price points. And while two frames might look identical, there are 4 very important things to consider when making that choice if you’d like your frame to still look good in five years…
How to Decorate your Home with Photos
If there is one thing that's 100% true, it's that everyone is different. Every Client I've had has a different interior decor style, preferences, and what they would like to do with their photographs. And while I offer a fairly limited array of products, they actually accommodate many different preferences when it comes to decorating your home with photographs…
How to Select the Perfect Frame Size
Here is the biggest mistake people make when purchasing frames for their photographs: they determine the size of the frame based on where they want that frame to live in their home. Sounds pretty logical, right? It is.. until you realize that you probably won’t be living in that house forever. People move (every 7-10 years on average), and they take their stuff with them. Which means that perfectly sized frame will soon have to fill a totally different spot…