Photography Blog
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Now open! New Studio Location in Westport
The new Westport Studio location is officially open for photoshoots! The space contains a comfortable seating area, image viewing setup with a mobile flat-screen TV, wide photography backgrounds to accommodate groups of 3-4 people, hair and makeup area, private bathroom..
What it means to be a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP)
Learn what being a Certified Professional Photographer means, what the rigorous process for professional photographer certification is, and what benefits this has for you!
What Makes a Photo Look Professional?
Professional photography means a lot of different things. But what most people don't realize is that having a fancy camera, doesn't mean you can produce professional-quality photographs…
Product Photography Hacks and Tips
Learn some photography tips and tricks when it comes to doing your own product photography for an online store, Instagram, or social media…
Photography Composition Rules And How To Break Them
Photography, like any other field of study, has certain rules we can follow to guarantee a beautiful result in an image. Specifically, there are rules about composition that might seem tried and true, but can sometimes be broken as an intentional choice by the photographer…
How to Prep for Professional Hair and Makeup
If you’re lucky enough to be doing a portrait session with a hair & makeup artist (this is an option for family sessions and included with all Personal Branding photoshoots), there are a few things you should do the morning of to prepare…
How I Decorate my Home with Photographs
I don’t believe you should ever sell something that you don’t actually use yourself. Personally speaking, photography is not only important in my life for my profession, but it’s also front and center in my own home. Now, that doesn’t mean that my house is covered in photographs from top to bottom…
5 Tips for Nailing Focus when Photographing Children
One of the most challenging hurdles to overcome when photographing children is to make sure their portraits are actually in focus. Children tend to move around a lot, don’t sit still, and are lightening-quick. And when you’re a professional photographer, you can’t rely on luck…
Taking up Photography as a Hobby
In this article, I offer up advice for anyone who wants to get into photography a bit more seriously, is thinking about investing in their first DSLR (aka, a real camera!), and isn’t quite sure where to start, what they need, or how to generally approach taking up photography as a hobby.
Top 10 Mistakes All New Photographers Make
It seems like every day there’s a new photographer in town. As a more established business (I’ve been at this since 2013 after all!), there are a few mistakes I see new photographers make over and over again. While there’s nothing wrong with trying…..
What To Do With Your Vacation Photos
Every summer, families take vacations which yield a mountain of photographs. These pictures are important because they remind us of all the fun we had together.. yet we rarely turn them into something tangible that we can….
RAW vs. JPEG: Photography File Formats Explained
With the popularity of photography, more and more people are becoming familiar with the RAW file format. Unfortunately, there seems to be some misinformation about RAW, which then leads to potential conflict between photography clients and …..
Behind the Scenes: Retouching
Cameras have megapixel resolutions that capture every single pore, crease, and eyelash. And if you’re not a model, that amount of detail can be scary. Retouching helps us regular people look our best in photos. It allows us to not worry about that pimple that came out of nowhere….
3 Ways to Use Photography for Self Discovery and Growth
Photography makes for a really fun hobby, but also comes with a side benefit of facilitating a journey of self-discovery for those of us who take it a bit more seriously. Women, especially those who have given up their careers to stay home and raise children discover photography as a way to express themselves…
Vacation Photos, Do's and Don'ts
Summer is the time for family vacations. As someone who loves photography, I went through a whole array of trial and error when it comes to vacation photos. Here are some of the best ways to approach vacation picture-taking when it comes to traveling and relaxing as a family…
Best Photography Gifts for Mother's Day
Mother’s Day typically means breakfast in bed or a crowded brunch for Moms. But if you have a wife, sister, or daughter who loves photography, why not get her (or yourself) something a bit more special for Mother’s Day? Here are a few ideas that are sure to make a photography-loving Mom happy…
Behind the Scenes: Portrait Lighting
There are so many ways to do Studio portraits, but lighting truly makes the biggest difference. My lighting method, as it happens, is a bit unique. In fact, as with everything, my approach to lighting is to make things as simple and easy as possible…
Best way to store and organize your digital photos
We all have a lot of digital pictures. We take them on our iPhones, with our big fancy cameras, and store everything on our computer and in the cloud. But what is the best way to organize this mountain of photographs?..
Choosing The Right Lens For Your Camera
As far as photography is concerned, the lens is often more important than the camera you’re using. How can that be? The camera’s main function is to record the scene, while the lens is the actual thing that defines what that scene looks like…
5 Myths About the "Digital Archive"
More and more families today are digitizing their old photographs, taking photos with their phones, and not bothering with prints as they rely on a digital archive of images. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, there are a few very misleading myths around digital media and the advantages of digital files...