Photography Blog
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How to Start a Photography Business: A Step-by-Step Guide for Aspiring Photographers
Starting a photography business can be an exciting journey, blending creativity with entrepreneurship. But like any business venture, it requires careful planning, hard work, and a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. Whether you’re looking to make photography your full-time career or a profitable side hustle, this step-by-step guide will walk you through the essential steps to turn your passion into a successful business…
New Products and Services for 2021
I believe that every business should be fluid. And if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we should be willing to change and adjust based on the circumstances that are given. I’ve always been a big proponent of evaluating the services that are offered and figuring out how to best serve my clients…
The Importance of Having a Process
One thing I had to learn (the hard way) about running my own business, is that having systems and processes in place isn’t optional. See how I use processes to work LESS and get MORE done, and why this is so important for every business to have…
How I started a Photography Business
It seems like only yesterday that I was working full-time in an Advertising Agency. I spent almost a decade working in corporate before circumstances pushed me into a full-time photography endeavor…
Small But Mighty Improvements I Made in 2019
The one goal that’s always on my list every year is to evaluate and improve the processes in my business. See 5 changes I made in my business in 2019 that might seem small, but make a huge difference…
Why Are Professional Photographers So Expensive?
The prices that professional photographers charge for photos and print products can sometimes be a little shocking. There is a wide range of prices out there for photography, so it can naturally be very confusing..
How I Implemented "Profit First" in my Business
Finances are one of the biggest struggles when starting and running a small business. Not only are you excepted to keep track of everything, pay taxes, and follow all the legal requirements, but also actually make some money (that’s the whole point of this thing, right?)…
The Answer to "What Camera Should I Buy?"
Because I’m a photographer, people often ask me which camera they should go out and purchase when they’re looking to upgrade. And while the answer is usually fairly simple (buy the best camera you can afford), there are some details to consider if you really want make the best decision for you
The Ordering Appointment Explained
Every photographer runs their business a little differently.. and what happens after the session is one of those very important parts of the process. And when you’re considering which photographer to work with, you might prefer one method over another…
The Camera Doesn't Matter
I used to get a little envious when I saw someone with a large professional camera on the street. By definition, I thought they were a better photographer because they had a fancier camera. It makes sense, right? The bigger and more expensive the camera, the better the photographs. Well, I know a little better now! Because getting a big fancy camera did NOT magically make me a better photographer…
5 Things I Do Before Every Photoshoot
No matter how long I have been doing photography as a business, there are still a few things I do right before each and every session. Now, this is outside of the regular "get all the equipment ready" step, which usually happens way ahead of time. This post is all about that time between when I arrive at the Studio (about 1 hour before the session is scheduled to begin) and when I have to be ready to photograph my clients…