Photography Blog
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Choosing The Right Lens For Your Camera
As far as photography is concerned, the lens is often more important than the camera you’re using. How can that be? The camera’s main function is to record the scene, while the lens is the actual thing that defines what that scene looks like…
The Answer to "What Camera Should I Buy?"
Because I’m a photographer, people often ask me which camera they should go out and purchase when they’re looking to upgrade. And while the answer is usually fairly simple (buy the best camera you can afford), there are some details to consider if you really want make the best decision for you
The Camera Doesn't Matter
I used to get a little envious when I saw someone with a large professional camera on the street. By definition, I thought they were a better photographer because they had a fancier camera. It makes sense, right? The bigger and more expensive the camera, the better the photographs. Well, I know a little better now! Because getting a big fancy camera did NOT magically make me a better photographer…