Ella & Henry Spring 2017
Ella & Henry's Spring 2017 fashion show was a wonderful showcase of latest kids and tween fashion trends, including outfits from Steiff, bellybutton, Stella M'Lia, and Papermoon, and beautiful flower crowns by BOW&ROSE. I have the distinct pleasure of photographing the fashion show, but I also set up a mini-studio downstairs and take fashion portraits of the kids before and after the big event.
And yea, my setup is very simple. And pretty scary-looking when you actually see it (I'm including a photo to do it justice), because it's in the basement, and nobody's basement is all that attractive. There are low ceilings (6'7" in fact) and fluorescent lighting, and just enough space to put up a 50" wide seamless paper background.
But looking at the resulting portraits, you would never know it.
The fact is, you don't need a nice location to create beautiful portraits. The most important thing is knowing your equipment, understanding lighting, and being able to use the technology at hand without overly complicating everything. And the amazing models, of course, make my job all that much easier (and more fun). ;)