Photography Blog
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How to Prepare for your Baby's Milestone Session
Milestone Sessions are incredibly easy limited-edition photo sessions just for babies and children who are three months and older. But even with an easy session experience, putting a little bit of time in preparation goes a long way…..
Tutorial: Natural Makeup for Portraits (with Haus of Pretty)
Makeup is a really important step in getting ready for your portrait session. And since I personally am not well-versed in makeup, I teamed up with Kelsey Morey, the owner of Haus of Pretty in Westport, Connecticut to bring you an easy do-it-yourself guide to getting camera-ready for your photoshoot…
Get Ready! 2 Weeks Before Your Session
While it might seem that beautiful portraits happen in a click of a button, there’s actually quite a bit of preparation that is required for a successful photo session. And that preparation really starts right around 2 weeks beforehand…
Why Family Photos Will Be Your Best Purchase This Year
Every year we decide how to spend our money. We invest in our homes, buy cars, furniture, and new TVs. And allocating a good chunk of that money for professional family photos can be low on the priority list..
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Family Photographer
Here’s the thing, most people don’t know the options that are available when it comes to hiring a family or newborn photographer. They see a pretty family portrait their friend posts on Facebook and decide to hire that photographer for themselves…
Baby's First Year Milestones
The first year for a baby is so full of growth and development! It was one of my favorite times with my children because there is so much discovery and joy, on both sides. The one thing I missed, however, was having really simple, clean portraits of my children. I didn't have a Studio back then! And I was just starting on my photography journey. So I have lots of at-home photographs, and plenty of outdoor shots.. but nothing like what I provide to my clients now. Which, in many ways, is why I do it…
Newborns Without Props
Newborn photography has certainly evolved over the past few years. It's become more of a "thing", which is great, because more parents are getting professional photographs of their baby.. and there are more options than ever, too. But parents can also be left feeling left out if they don't exactly love the two main styles of baby photography we're seeing nowadays…
10 Great Kid Photos With No Smiles
Most of the parents I work with want photographs of their children smiling. That's completely understandable! We all want to see (and remember) our kids happy and laughing. But sometimes by focusing so much on getting a smile in a photo, we forget about their non-smiling face. A calm peaceful look can be just as precious. An intense stare shows strength and character. And features that are at rest are just as important to remember as a toothy grin…
The photo that didn't actually happen
It happens at every single family photoshoot. Often, parents ask me to capture that elusive photograph of their family together, looking at the camera. Or an image of all the kids together, smiling.. and looking at the camera. As you can imagine, the "looking at the camera" is the hard part...
Natasha's Mother & Daughter Session
A Mother & Daughter photoshoot is perfect for girls who are growing up (and aren't being photographed as much) and for Moms who want to celebrate their beauty and confidence. It's all about the girls, and the woman who spends every day taking care of them...
Demarest and Conway
There is one thing that Demerest and Conway's Mom said that really stuck with me. "I am so glad we did this photo session when we did." And what she meant was, I'm glad we waited until they were a little older...
Molly & Morgan
Every time I think about the families I photograph, I get this amazing feeling of warmth and gratitude. I am so thankful to have this job and to be able to work with some of the BEST families in Fairfield County. And that doesn't mean that all the kids I have in the Studio are super well-behaved. And it doesn't mean that all sessions go exactly as planned with nothing ever going wrong. All of those things happen, ALL the time.
I photographed Emma last year. She was just about to move to Washington DC and join a ballet dance company for a year of learning and dancing. We created dance portraits for her that showcased her graceful movements but also focused on her as a person first (because, let's face it, most photographers just focus on the dancing).
Not every Mom is super thrilled about getting professional maternity portraits. I, in fact, was one of those. I still am, deep down. Nobody really WANTS to be in front of the camera during the last stages of their pregnancy. I hear "I feel fat" a lot, and "OMG, I feel so huge" from my pregnant clients (none of who are actually fat, or huge, btw).
Livia & Leo's Family Session
One of the reasons it's so hard to decide which photographer to hire is because all you're seeing is a website or social media posts, but you have no idea what actually goes on behind closed doors. You usually don't know whether the person you're hiring is running a full-time business or does photography on the side (as in, how seriously are they treating this?). You can forego the guesswork and go to an established photography studio, but then you might end up being photographed by an associate photographer and the quality might not match what was advertised.