Photography Blog
Headshots | Brand Photography | Photography | Behind the Scenes | For Photographers
Studio Photography Equipment that’s Worth the Splurge for Headshots
As someone who essentially refuses to spend money (especially in my business) on superfluous items, choosing equipment with a higher price tag or replacing cheaper equipment with a higher-cost option doesn’t come easily. My Studio has been built with having the bare minimum that gets the job done in mind, but I have found that certain things were worth splurging on…
Corporate vs. Creative: Choosing the Right Headshot Style for Your Industry
In the world of professional headshots, one size does not fit all. The style and tone of your headshot should align with your industry, personal brand, and the message you want to convey. Whether you're in a corporate sector or a creative field, choosing the right headshot style is essential for making a strong first impression. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between corporate and creative headshots and how to decide which style suits your industry best.
Creating a Sensory-Friendly and Accessible Headshot Photography Studio in Westport CT
My goal is to always offer a headshot photography experience that's warm and welcoming to absolutely everyone, no matter what sensory sensitivities or physical abilities my clients might have. I want to make sure every client feels valued and comfortable during their time with me and the Studio has been designed entirely with that in mind. In this Blog post, I will be sharing the design choices I've made in order to create a sensory-friendly and accessible Studio, so you know you're in a space that prioritizes your comfort at every step.
What to Wear for Corporate Headshots, Women
I get a lot of questions from women about what they should wear in their corporate headshot. There are definitely some guidelines for looking professional but also some tips for selecting an outfit that will make ladies look slimmer photos (which is probably what all women really want)…
What to Wear for Corporate Headshots, Men
Corporate headshots for men typically require a very specific outfit selection, but aside from choosing a suit, there are several considerations that aren’t completely obvious but make a huge difference in the final photo. Get the best guidelines for preparing and selecting what to wear for your corporate headshot if you’re a man, things you should be aware of, and how to pair a shirt and tie with the suit for best results…
5 Qualities of a Modern Headshot
Headshot photography is changing. Over the past few years, we’ve moved away from the standard head and shoulders headshot to a cleaner, more modern professional portrait that truly speaks to the new way both photographers and clients are approaching this genre…
Now open! New Studio Location in Westport
The new Westport Studio location is officially open for photoshoots! The space contains a comfortable seating area, image viewing setup with a mobile flat-screen TV, wide photography backgrounds to accommodate groups of 3-4 people, hair and makeup area, private bathroom..
Announcement: Studio is Moving to Westport!
It has been almost 5 years since I signed the lease on my photography Studio in Greenwich, and while I absolutely love being in that space and adore all of my local Riverside clients, I had to make the decision to move…
Behind the Scenes: Posing Families
Posing doesn’t have to look old-fashioned and obvious. It could be organic and flattering, and it an essential part of looking great in photos for those of us who aren’t natural-born models. This post is all about what goes into posing a family (big and small), my approach to getting those relaxed group images, and yes - even using posing to achieve candid shots that a lot of families absolutely love as part of their session.
How to Prepare for your Baby's Milestone Session
Milestone Sessions are incredibly easy limited-edition photo sessions just for babies and children who are three months and older. But even with an easy session experience, putting a little bit of time in preparation goes a long way…..
5 Advantages of a Studio Headshot
There are a few choices when it comes to headshots. You can take professional portraits outdoors, in a Studio, or in your office/home setting. But there are a few very important advantages in investing in a professional portrait, specifically one that’s done in a Studio setting…
5 Reasons Why Summer is the BEST Time for Family Portraits
A lot of families will wait until November to do their holiday card photos. But just because that’s the norm, doesn’t mean there isn’t a better way. In fact, I absolutely love having clients come in during the summer to take care of Christmas card photos with a Studio photo session…
5 Reasons Moms Need to Exist in Photos
I hear it way too often, “I’m never in any pictures”. Or “I don’t like the way I look in photos”. Or “I’m always the one with the camera taking pictures in my family”. The fact is, Moms are the least photographed out of all the family members, so it’s important to point out that effort needs to be made…
5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Hiring a Family Photographer
Here’s the thing, most people don’t know the options that are available when it comes to hiring a family or newborn photographer. They see a pretty family portrait their friend posts on Facebook and decide to hire that photographer for themselves…
The Advantage of Working with Different Photographers
Most of the time, people assume a few common things about photographers. One is that a photographer can photograph pretty much anything. And two, is that we’re all in competition with each other for clients. And for me at least, neither of those is true…
8 Ways a Studio is Better than Outdoors
Before I had a Studio space, I photographed on location. Outdoor sessions. In-home photoshoots. I traveled to clients and did location scouting to make sure we picked the perfect spot for their family. But more often than not, things weren't as idilic as you might think. Weather had to be checked obsessively. Last minute rescheduling was always a concern. And many little inconveniences (and some big ones, too!) added up to potential disaster on a daily basis…
Baby's First Year Milestones
The first year for a baby is so full of growth and development! It was one of my favorite times with my children because there is so much discovery and joy, on both sides. The one thing I missed, however, was having really simple, clean portraits of my children. I didn't have a Studio back then! And I was just starting on my photography journey. So I have lots of at-home photographs, and plenty of outdoor shots.. but nothing like what I provide to my clients now. Which, in many ways, is why I do it…
It's Included! 10 Things That Don't Cost Extra
Every day, I look for little extras I can include in my business to make my service just a little bit better. Now, I'm very selective about this because if I start throwing everything and the kitchen sink in for free, I will have to raise my prices to cover the additional cost. The things that are included with each session make the biggest impact on the final images. They are almost essential to the process, but a lot of the time photographers will either not take the time to do them, or won't include them for free…
Top 5 Mistakes Parents Make with Baby Photos
Parents today face some pretty tough expectations when it comes to providing all possible comforts for their baby (heated butt wipes, I'm looking at you). Today's babies are also growing up as part of most photographed generation.. but parents are consistently making these 5 mistakes with baby's photographs which will leave their babies with no record of their childhood at all.